February 9, 2024
Provided by Big Brothers Big Sisters of Regina & Area:
We need your help Weyburn!
We are partnering with the City of Weyburn to offer an After School Program, at the Credit Union Spark Centre. The After School Program is offered to all Weyburn school aged children (grades 1-6), for the 2024-2025 school year, as a pilot program. This After School Program brings BBBS’s mentorship approach to after school care, with safety, arts, culture, recreation and fun, as central components.
For the 2024-2025 school year, transportation to and from the Credit Union Spark Centre, WILL NOT be offered. However, the Program is intended to benefit the entire community, as this becomes a larger concept for the Weyburn and our vision – that all young people realize their full potential.
We are asking for your feedback to help us better understand the community need (is there one at all?) for an After School Program at the Credit Union Spark Centre.
The survey will take approximately 5 minutes and your answers will remain completely anonymous. In appreciation of your time, please enter the draw for a $25 Tim Horton’s gift card, at the end of the survey (closes March 15, 2024). Please direct any questions to Amy Mohr at 306-540-6975 or amy.mohr@bigbrothersbigsisters.ca.
Thank you!