City services impact your life every day. Each time you visit a recreation centre, borrow a book from the library, have your garbage or recycling picked up, drink clean water from the tap – you are using a City of Weyburn service.
The annual budget is a financial plan that describes how much money the City will raise and spend. It determines the level of service provided to Weyburn residents and guides decisions on what City infrastructure will be built and repaired.
2024 Budget Presentation
As the City is limited by the amount of resources available, the budget helps in determining which objectives have the highest priority and will produce the greatest positive impact in the community.
- Property taxes, rates, fees
- Grants
- Development charges
- Internal Reserves
- Debt (External Loans)
- Oct. 23, 2023: Preliminary budget presented to Weyburn City Council at the regularly scheduled Council meeting held in Council Chambers.
- Nov. 7: Public open house at the Credit Union Spark Centre from 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. and 5-7 p.m.
- Nov. 27: Further budget discussions at the scheduled Council meeting. Delegations may appear before City Council at this meeting and public input will be discussed.
- Dec. 11: Final budget approval by City Council at the scheduled Council meeting.
The City of Weyburn is inviting residents to an information open house on the 2024 annual budget. This will be held on Nov. 7 at the Credit Union Spark Centre, with two sessions available:
- 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
- 5-7 p.m.
Council and city staff will be available to answer public questions and discuss budget priorities at the open house. Residents will have the opportunity to provide feedback at the open house on the following key questions:
- What core service areas are most important to you?
- What should the municipality’s top priorities be – this year, and in the future?
- What do you want to see more of from your local government?
- What are you willing to pay more for?
Individuals and/or organizations requesting an opportunity to appear as a delegation before Council regarding budget, must submit request to the City Clerks Office by Nov. 22, 2023 to attend the Nov. 27 regular Council meeting in Council Chambers. To appear as a delegation, please review the Council Procedures Bylaw.