Every business in Weyburn requires a business license if they intend to operate commercial, merchandising, or industrial activity within the City of Weyburn boundaries.
Licenses are issued in order to regulate businesses, ensure compliance with land use and building regulations, gather land use information, and inform planning decisions.
The type of business license you need depends on the business operation and its location.
Resident Business: All businesses operating within commercial and industrial zones as set out by the City of Weyburn. The license must be displayed in a prominent place at the business location.
Non-Resident Business: If a business does not have a permanent Weyburn location, or operates out of their home. The applicant should keep the license with them any time they are doing business in the city.
Direct Sellers: An individual or firm which is licensed under The Direct Sellers Act (i.e. door-to-door or telephone sales). A valid provincial license and a City of Weyburn non-residential business license are required and should be available anytime business is conducted in the city.
A business license application must be completed to include name, occupation, address of applicant, nature of business and location:
Once an application is completed, submitted and approved, the applicant must pay the license fee required:
Aside from the business license, there are often additional requirements that must be met so it is important that make sure you are aware of all applicable regulations. For further information on business licenses, please contact the Business License Inspector at (306) 848-3201.