As every resident of Weyburn is aware, mosquitoes can be a tremendous pest during the spring and summer months and can easily ruin the enjoyment of the outdoors. In addition to being a nuisance, they are also capable of transmitting diseases such as the West Nile virus.
While the total elimination of the mosquito is an unrealistic goal, the City of Weyburn attempts to mitigate the problem through an annual control program that targets the mosquito early in its larval stages – that portion of its life spent in semi-permanent and temporary pools of standing water.
In and around Weyburn, locations such as drainage ditches, slough, ponds, large puddles and other areas where standing water is likely to accumulate, are regularly monitored and when larvae are detected in sufficient numbers to warrant treatment a control product is applied.
The City of Weyburn is a partner in the Mosquito Control Cost Share program with the provincial government.
For additional information on Mosquito Control and the West Nile Virus, visit the Saskatchewan Health website.