The Council of the City of Weyburn, pursuant to section 207 of the Planning & Development Act, hereby gives notice of its intention to consider passage of a bylaw to amend Official Community Plan Bylaw 2020-3411 and Zoning Bylaw 2020-3412 as further described below.
Intent: It is proposed to amend the Official Community Plan, Bylaw No. 2020-3411 as follows:
- Land Use Designation Map be amended by changing the land use designation 916 1st Ave NW – Lots 15-17, Block 3, Plan AZ357 and 415 Alymer Street – Lot 24, 32, Block 3, Plan AZ357, 101371520; 411 Alymer Street – Lot 25, 26, Block 3, Plan AZ357 and 409 Alymer Street – Lot 27, 28, Block 3, Plan AZ357 from POS (Parks and Open Space & Recreation) and Mixed-Use District (MU) to LI (Light Industrial).
It is proposed to amend the Zoning Bylaw No. 2020-3412 as follows:
- That the Zoning Map be amended by changing the Zoning of 916 1st Ave NW – Lots 15-17, Block 3, Plan AZ357 and 415 Alymer Street – Lot 24, 32, Block 3, Plan AZ357, 101371520; 411 Alymer Street – Lot 25, 26, Block 3, Plan AZ357 and 409 Alymer Street – Lot 27, 28, Block 3, Plan AZ357 from POS (Parks and Open Space & Recreation) and Mixed-Use District (MU) to LI (Light Industrial).
Affected Land:
- 916 1st Ave NW – Lots 15-17, Block 3, Plan AZ357 and
- 415 Alymer Street – Lot 24, 32, Block 3, Plan AZ357, 101371520
- 411 Alymer Street – Lot 25, 26, Block 3, Plan AZ357
- 409 Alymer Street – Lot 27, 28, Block 3, Plan AZ357
Reason: The reason for the amendments are to allow for the development of a Tire Repair Shop as well as a space for advertising.
Public Hearing: Council will hold a public hearing on Monday, January 13, 2025, at 6pm in Council Chambers of City Hall. Any person that wants to comment on the proposed bylaw is welcome to attend or to submit comments prior to the meeting. Council will consider all comments received.
All written submissions for City Council’s consideration must be forwarded to:
His Worship the Mayor and Members of City Council
c/o City Clerk’s Office, City Hall
157 3rd St, Weyburn, SK, S4H2K6
All submissions received by the City Clerk by noon, Monday, January 13, 2025, will be forwarded to City Council.
The amended bylaw can be viewed at the following locations:
- City Hall, 157 3rd Street N.E., (Monday to Friday from 8:00a.m. to 4:30 p.m.)
Dated at Weyburn, SK, this December 10, 2024.
Mathew Warren, City Manager
At the Regular City Council meeting held Monday, December 9, 2024, City Council gave first reading to Bylaw 2024-3490 to allow for the closure of the Queen Street access onto Highway 39.
The reason for the closure is because the Queen Street railroad crossing does not meet Transport Canada’s Standards and to allow for the widening of Highway 39 south of this location.
As part of this process, City Council will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, January 13, 2025, at 6:00 p.m. in Council Chambers at City Hall. Residents and stakeholders are invited to attend and provide their input regarding the proposed bylaw.
Following the Public Hearing, Council intends to give the bylaw second and final readings at the same meeting.
The bylaw can be viewed at the following locations:
- City Hall, 157 3rd Street N.E., (Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.)
Dated this 10th day of December, 2024
Tina Clay, City Clerk
City of Weyburn