In Section 4.6 of the City of Weyburn Zoning Bylaw, you will find the parking and loading regulations for the purpose of establishing minimum off-street parking standards necessary for parking needs of the various land uses allowing as well the minimum standards for the areas required for loading and unloading of goods for various commercial and industrial areas.
Parking and loading regulations are necessary to protect the capacity of the city’s street system and avoid undue congestion of the streets as well as to lessen conflicts between pedestrians and vehicles.
When any new construction is commenced or when any existing use is enlarged or use is changed, provisions shall be made for off-street vehicular parking as per the bylaw requirements. Off-street parking requirements can be found in Table 4.2 of the Zoning Bylaw.
Parking Area and Driveway Standards
Parking areas shall be hard surfaced, or graveled and treated to prevent dust, and shall be clearly demarcated and have provision for suitable drainage. Minimum parking areas are also to be specified within the Zoning Bylaw Table 4.1.
No driveway or approach ramps, at the street line, shall be closer than 7.6 metres from the point of intersection of the property lines at a street intersection.