The City of Weyburn uses an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategy, which is a systematic approach to managing detrimental organisms in city-owned trees. The goal is to maintain tolerable levels using a variety of techniques and strategies.
Pesticide use is avoided whenever possible and where necessary the least toxic option is chosen. Biological products are used if available as a control option for specific pests and if not products such as insecticidal soaps are utilized and where applicable pruning and sanitation is used to control pests and diseases.
Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
- Identify– Identify and prioritize which pests require control and a realistic expectation to how to control the pests.
- Monitor – Monitor pest population and establish tolerable damage levels
- Control – Use appropriate techniques and tools to control nuisance species that provide the least disruption to the surrounding environment. The uses of chemicals are only used as a last resort.
- Evaluate – Follow up and monitor the success of control method used.
The most common tree pests and diseases found in the City of Weyburn are listed here with information to help you identify and control them on private property. Remember that the trees on the boulevards and easements are the responsibility of the City and that homeowners may not prune or apply pesticides to city trees.