Released October 23, 2019
WEYBURN – The Weyburn Fire Department is currently looking for Paid-On-Call Firefighters to join their team.
The long and proud history of firefighters in the City of Weyburn dates back to the first recorded history of the department in 1908. Firefighters have been protecting residents and communities in and around the Weyburn area with whatever manpower and know-how they had available. Now the driving force behind the protection of our fine City, Paid-On-Call firefighters are the highly trained men and women that keep our City’s residents and community safe.
Being a Paid-On-Call fighter has it challenges. You are committing to responding to your communities call at any time of the day or night. Emergencies do not take holidays. You are committing to learning a unique line of work, with skills that can make a difference in someone’s life. The rewards are plenty. New friends, new skills, and job satisfaction are but a few.
Join for the challenge, stay for the comradery, and take pride in your accomplishments.
Become a Paid-On-Call firefighter with the city of Weyburn. Be part of a team, be part of the community.
If you think you are up for the challenge, the Weyburn Fire Department would like to talk to you. Call the Weyburn Fire Department at (306) 848-3240, complete an application online, or drop by to fill out an application at our station located at 55 – 16th Street Weyburn.