Released March 22, 2020
WEYBURN – View the Statement from City of Weyburn Mayor Roy regarding COVID-19 below.
Online self-assessment
The City is making available the Health Ministry’s tool to guide citizens on how to continue with daily life and whether they need to be tested for COVID-19.
The Province of Saskatchewan has announced enhanced preventive measures for COVID-19. The measures can be found at
If anyone has symptoms such as fever, cough and difficulty breathing and have traveled outside Canada or have been exposed to someone who has COVID-19, they should stay home and call HealthLine 811
The City of Weyburn will be adhering to these measures as our top priority is the health, safety and well-being of the community and our employees. We are focused on maintaining City services.
We recommend these precautions to protect against all illnesses:
▪ Wash your hands with soap frequently
▪ Cover your cough or sneeze using the inside of your elbow
▪ Avoid touching your face
▪ Stay home if you feel sick
As this situation evolves, The City of Weyburn will continue to provide regular updates as they are available through our website and social media.
For more information regarding COVID-19, Visit the Government of Saskatchewan webpage.
For additional information regarding COVID-19, Visit the Government of Canada webpage.