Released March 30, 2020
WEYBURN – To reduce the spread of COVID-19, the City of Weyburn requests that the public does not participate in activities on City owned outdoor amenities until further notice. These amenities include:
• Ball Diamonds
• Tennis Courts
• Playground Equipment
• Sports Fields
• Dog park
The City of Weyburn would like to encourage the use of our Tatagwa Trail system as well as the use of our parks but are reminding the public to practice social distancing. Social distancing means avoiding contact with others to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Keep a minimum distance of 2 metres from others when shopping or walking in the community.
We have been following the direction of the Federal and Provincial Governments during this pandemic. The City of Weyburn will continue to adhere to these measures as our top priority is the health, safety and well-being of the community and our employees. We are focused on maintaining City services such as Fire, Police, Garbage Collection etc.
Until further notice, all City of Weyburn operated facilities will be closed to the public
• Weyburn Leisure Centre
• Soo Line Historical Museum
• Crescent Point Place/Tom Zandee Sports Arena
• City Hall
• Public Works and Parks Building
• Water Treatment Plant
• Turner Curling Museum
• River Park Campgrounds
• Community Gardens
In collaboration with the Saskatchewan Health Authority, we are actively monitoring the situation and will continue to evaluate when City facilities may reopen.
For your convenience the City of Weyburn has the following methods of payment:
• Drop Box at City Hall (cash or cheque) – A night deposit can be found just outside the City Hall main entrance , City Hall is located at 157 3rd St. NE.. Please make sure the type of payment and account number or property address is specified.
• By mail – Mail your bill stub and cheque to: City of Weyburn, PO Box 370, Weyburn, SK, S4H 2K6
• Online banking – Online banking is offered by most banks and financial institutions for utility bills and property taxes. For other payments such as business licenses, fees and rentals, please request a direct deposit form for online payment by emailing
• Pre-authorized Payment Plan (PAP) – This program offers automatic withdrawal from your bank account. For utility bills the exact amount will be withdrawn from your account at the end of the month. For Property Taxes, we offer several different withdrawal dates to ensure taxes are paid in full by December 31. Forms are available at Email your completed application form and a void cheque to or drop off at City Hall Drop Box @ 157 3rd St. NE.
City Council has made the decision to defer all interest Charges on late utility bill payments and defer all water disconnections due to non-payment. All deferrals will be in effect until August 31, 2020. At this time, the City will still bill on a monthly basis and send out late payment notices as customers will be responsible for their usage and payments. Pre-authorized payments will continue to be withdrawn from customer accounts at the end of the month. If customers would like to make other arrangements, please email
Online self-assessment
The City is also making available the Health Ministry’s tool to guide citizens on how to continue with daily life and whether they need to be tested for COVID-19.
If anyone has symptoms such as fever, cough and difficulty breathing and have traveled outside Canada or have been exposed to someone who has COVID-19, they should stay home and call HealthLine 811
The City of Weyburn will be adhering to these measures as our top priority is the health, safety and well-being of the community and our employees. We are focused on maintaining City services.
We recommend these precautions to protect against all illnesses:
▪ Wash your hands with soap frequently
▪ Cover your cough or sneeze using the inside of your elbow
▪ Avoid touching your face
▪ Stay home if you feel sick
As this situation evolves, The City of Weyburn will continue to provide regular updates as they are available through our website and social media.
For more information regarding COVID-19, Visit the Government of Saskatchewan webpage.