Released September 28, 2020
WEYBURN – The Government of Saskatchewan’s Re-open Saskatchewan Plan now included updated information for Thanksgiving and private gatherings.
These guidelines provide information on how to safely enjoy fall celebrations and honour Remembrance Day while reducing the potential spread of COVID-19. Events that exceed allowable gathering sizes and do not follow public health protocols have been a major source of COVID-19 transmission.
General Guidelines:
- People should not participate in fall activities if they are sick or experiencing COVID-19 symptoms. If you think you may be sick, use the online Saskatchewan COVID-19 self-assessment tool and follow the directions.
- Private indoor and outdoor gatherings may have a maximum of 30 people if there is enough space to maintain two metres between individuals who are not in the same household/extended household.
- Where it is difficult or uncertain to maintain two metres of physical distance, people are encouraged to wear non-medical masks (e.g. cloth or other materials).
- Where possible, limit holiday gatherings to household/extended household groups only.
- Where possible, consider virtual gatherings.
- Where possible, plan for all or part of the celebration to be held outdoors and ensure two metres of physical distancing between participants who are not a part of the same household/extended household.
- If you plan on hosting a gathering or meal, you and your guests should consider the risks involved and take the necessary preventative measures:
- Exclude people who are sick or experiencing COVID-19 symptoms.
- Recommend that individuals at higher risk, including seniors and those with compromised immune systems or other underlying medical conditions, not attend.
- Stagger the time of arrivals and departures.
- Increase access to alcohol-based hand sanitizer approved by Health Canada (DIN or NPN number).
- Frequently clean and disinfect surfaces that are touched often.
The Guidelines for Thanksgiving and Private Gatherings is as follows:
- Shared meals between non-household members or members who are not in the same extended household are discouraged.
- Any private indoor or outdoor event that includes food service may have a maximum of 30 people, provided there is enough space to maintain a two-metre separation between individuals who are not in the same household.
- Gathering sizes should be smaller if there is not enough space to maintain a physical distance of two metres at all times between non-household/extended household members.
- Potlucks are discouraged and there should be no shared platters of food or buffet service.
- All served food should be plated by a single person. One person should handle the preparation of food and drink following proper food safety protocols.
- Vulnerable individuals, such as seniors and those with underlying health conditions, should receive their food first to minimize cross-contamination.
- Consider having individual portions delivered from a restaurant or caterer.
- Guests and hosts should wash their hands with soap and water or use a hand sanitizer approved by Health Canada (DIN or NPN number) prior to eating, as well as before and after handling food or food packaging.
For more information on the Re-Open Saskatchewan Plan click here.