Released May 17, 2021
WEYBURN – The City of Weyburn is celebrating its Public Works department this week and the role public works plays in maintaining a strong and accessible community.
May 16-22, 2021 was recently proclaimed by the City of Weyburn as Public Works week. This week is about educating the public on the value and necessities of public works projects and the City’s public works employees who contribute to the community’s water, wastewater, and stormwater treatment, public buildings and spaces, parks and grounds, solid waste and transportation management.
This week challenges citizens to think about the role public works plays in creating a great place to live. View the 2021 proclamation signed by Mayor Marcel Roy which highlights the contribution the City of Weyburn Public Works department makes in the community.
Follow the City of Weyburn social media accounts throughout May 17-21 to learn more about public works infrastructure and how the City’s Public Works department helps maintain community strength by working together to provide citizens with quality of life services.
Since 1960, American Public Works Association has sponsored National Public Works Week. Across North America, our more than 30,000 members in the U.S. and Canada use this week to energize and educate the public on the importance of public works to their daily lives: planning, building, managing and operating at the heart of their local communities to improve everyday quality of life.